this is the DLC to DerpBox,  this DLC comes when all the Oxygen in the DerpBox runs out. this game was made by one person, @fungle_yeetus. I know it is laggy, that is the one big issue with the game currently. DerpBox was first started on scratch but as i got older i learned how to code, and not have even coded the first boss, i set a dead line, and its out now!!! currently i have nothing set up for donations, but in the future if you donate

10$- your name in the credits

20$-you referenced in a chat of an NPC

50$-Your own NPC

100$-Your own Boss :0

500$- get to decide the next update and help me design it

1000$-you literally get to help me make the next game 

Published 13 days ago
AuthorFungle Studios
Tags2D, Cute, Short, Singleplayer

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